![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:00 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
87 Toyota Pickup 4x4. This is just after painting it and fixing the rusted out bed. This truck is what started my enthusiasm towards mechanics. It got stolen in April 2013, less than a year after I bought it.
Though technically my first "car" was:
Volvo 242GT. My first project car too. My sister got it from my grandpa, who bought it new, and drove it in college. When she got a truck (another toyota pickup too) I got to fix everything that goes bad when a hipster owns a volvo in college in northern California... Ended up getting new brakes, struts and shocks (live axle!!) lowering springs, lots of tune up work and straight pipes, cause how else was I gonna thrash that thing around Malibu? This car is what got me into drivers cars and made me change my mind about what to do to my 85 4Runner I bought after my first truck got stolen. And now it sits in my parents front yard, covered in sap (cause they parked it under a really stupid tree...) waiting to be sold to some hipster....
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:05 |
Both of those look pretty nice!
It's too bad people steal shit though. Sorry to hear about it getting stolen.
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:11 |
Thanks! When I first got the pickup you could fit your head through the rust hole in the bed haha. Funny story with it getting stolen actually, when it happened there were a couple other thefts and shit in my neighborhood, and a couple of the cars turned up in a few days. Mine didn't. Then about 6 months later, I got a call to let me know they found it. It had been parked just off a side road that I drove twice a week to get to my auto service class... Just far enough off the main road through the farms that you couldn't see it. By that time I had signed it over to the insurance so it went to auction and we got outbid...
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:17 |
Haha, that could be a special feature to some people. "Head sized rust hole" for whatever you're into.
It was a joyrider probably? That's a long time to find a car though, usually somebody will report a truck sitting off a road.
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:23 |
I could be the hipster that buys that 242GT.haha
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:30 |
1984 Isuzu P'up. It was definitely not a "cool" car in high school. 2-wheel drive, 4 speed manual. I couldn't kill the thing, and believe me, I really really tried. One of it's few advantages was being able to roll it down the hill when I'd sneak out, and get it around the corner before starting it. My parents never had a clue ( they probably did).
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:36 |
Haha, coulda been like a mobile glory hole since I had a camper shell on there!
I had a bunch of welding gear in the back that got stolen, along with my california map, every CD on my spindle thing except one (I guess they didn't care for the musical stylings of Cake...?), my hilift jack (and again they left the handle??) my favorite milk crate full of trash and of all things they stole my FUCKING GEAR WRENCHES!!!! That is by far the one loss that still hits me today...
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:43 |
You have to promise to take care of her. By which I mean take it to redline though every gear because the exhaust demands it of you. It sounded like sweedish thunder haha
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:45 |
okay I'll give you 100 dollars and you have to deliver it to Minneapolis.
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:49 |
Also sorry to hear that they didn't like Cake. Cake is pretty good. At least they didn't destroy that.
![]() 01/30/2015 at 12:52 |
Deal! I should mention that the bald tires and live axle make it prone to INSANE snap oversteer that almost killed me, and that it likes to do a weird fuel surging thingy that makes it pretty much undriveable under 3k rpm. Oh and The Talking Heads is stuck in the tape player. Have fun!
![]() 01/30/2015 at 13:04 |
its just so pretty. Honestly if it was closer (I'm assuming it's still in northern Cali) I'd make you a real offer. My Dad's second car, and the car he had when my parents stated dating was a 242, but his was a lime green 79. It was actually the reason my patents ended up dating, My mom say the car and started asking her friends who drove that cool lime green "sports car" I've always thought it's be cool to get an older 240 coupe like my dad had. But hopefully I wouldn't end up wrapping mine around a tree, like he did with his.